Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Adoption Journey and Carolina's Placement Story

Well this is very late, but Hey, we have been busy for the past few weeks!

Our adoption journey-
Jon and I have talked about adoption for a long time.  We both felt strongly that we wanted to adopt eventually and in January 2011 we stepped out in faith and started the adoption process.  We were ready to start a family and we thought that the timing would be good since we just moved to Georgia and we would have some stabilization and time to complete that adoption process before we moved again.  

We completed our formal application with our adoption agency in January and started the "great paper chase" for documents and forms to be completed and turned in.  We also started our home study classes.  These weren't 'how to parent' classes as some people may think but the classes were designed to address adoption specific topics and answer any questions that we might have.  We were able to speak with Birth Mothers, Adult Adoptees and Adoptive Parents.  Each story was unique and offered a lot of insight into the adoption process, growing up as an adoptee in a transracial family and perspectives of a Birth Mom.  

By June we had completed all the paperwork, classes, appointments and interviews required and our home study was completed and approved.  Next, We began the waiting process.  We really weren't sure how long this would take but we were prepared to wait awhile maybe up to a year.  We weren't in a rush to set up the nursery or stock up on baby items.  We collected a few things here an there: a pack and play, bumbo chair, stroller and car seat, exersaucer, etc.  We also looked at nursery furniture but we weren't in a rush to buy anything.  Mostly we spent time enjoying new hobbies, running and biking.  I actually joked that we would run a big race and then receive a placement of a baby and how we would adjust to having a new baby. (haha)

In September, we sensed that we would be meeting with Birth Mothers soon and we scheduled a meeting with our social worker to discuss possible meetings and what to expect.  We were very surprised when our social worker told us of a birth mother who had delivered and created an adoption plan.  The birth mother felt she could not provide for her child and she thought that adoption was the best choice for her baby.  She did not want to choose the adoptive family but she wanted her child to be placed with a christian family that would love her and be able to provide for her.  Our social worker told us that they (the staff) thought of us and offered the placement opportunity to us (we were one of the only families that were open to a child of a different ethnic/racial background).  WOW! that was such a shock to us. We were expecting a different path. We thought we would meet (or communicate) with a birth mother and have a few months to prepare for the birth.  Now we were looking at a near immediate placement.  We didn't have anything set up.  In fact all we had was a nursery, pack n play and a car seat.  

God in fact had a different plan!  A plan that would make us trust Him completely.  After several days of prayer and consideration, we decided to accept that placement.  (I'll write more about that later) Now we needed to get ready.  We new that God would provide everything we needed and boy did He ever!  We found baby furniture on sale and ready for pick up.  My parents and aunt kicked into full grandparent/ great aunt mode and made a trip to Columbus to help us set up the nursery and helped us get immediate needs squared away.  God also blessed us with great friends and neighbors who loaned us baby items.  

Although she was born on Sept 27th, We welcomed Carolina home on Oct 14th.  Because her adoption plan was created in the hospital there were several forms and legal paperwork to be completed before we could bring her home to GA.  So for the first two weeks of her life Carolina lived with an interim family in Birmingham.  The family was an amazing family that loved her and prayed for her.  I wish we could have met them in person but we were able to talk with them on the phone.  God once again showed us his faithfulness as the interim family named her Grace.  They did not know it at the time but Carolina's middle name is Grace.  

Carolina was welcomed home on the 14th of Oct.  We were so excited!  She has been such  a joy!  It is amazing how we bonded immediately and loved her as our daughter.  

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